Thursday, July 16, 2009

My Favorite Post for the July 16 repost Project

Thoughts On Traffic, People, And Issues
I had gone to town late this afternoon and on my way home I realized something. Everyone growls about having to wait in traffic, but really doesn't bother me.
I was sitting in my car, heavy metal blaring from my radio, sipping on a caramel fappicino from Starbucks, my windows down with the smells drifting in from all the various restraughts along the street. And I was happy.
I loved this time of day.
And I people watched. A favorite past-time of mine.All around me I could see other drivers either on their phones, frowning at the traffic lights, talking with their passangers. Most looked harried, distracted, bored, unhappy. The stress levels around there must of been very high.
I was thinking, like, chill, people. No need to get all hot and bothered. Just sit back and enjoy the ride, like me. Keep the blood pressure down. You'll get home eventally. I try not to get stressed over anything.
Stress causes medical problem.
Don't need anymore of that.
People who don't really know me think that I don't care. Those that do know me know that's not the case. I just refuse to let issues rule my life. (and sometimes I really DON'T care.)
Back to the traffic. As bad as it is now, wait until the holiday shopping begins. I'm planning on shopping online, but I think I will go ride up and down the main streets just to watch the dramas. Woowhoo!


Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

I used to sit in traffic and worry that my car was dangerously overheating, or I was late for my third job of the day, but I don't do that anymore. And, yes, my stress levels were very high. Now I do art and don't have to worry about commutes or time tables. Thanks for not only your trip down memory lane, but for stirring one for me, too.

Mary S. Hunt said...

in the day when i lived at traffic! i people watched or bay watched (usually i was stalled on the bridge where we had underwater tunnels) so i watched the watermen catching their harvest or people in their boats
or drew in my journal...i didn't have a cell phone then
if i didn't have a passanger it was just me
getting all hot and bothered changes nothing
you won't move an inch further...
i wish for people that they learned to be in the moment to use it to a benefit and not to be angry
it isn't something that is catchy so they aren't catching on
we are few and far between
NOW i live where there isn't any traffic...and laugh at them trying to BE harried like the city...i have to remind them they have it good
enjoy what they have and not wish themselves grief..
even tho i miss the city life i don't think i miss the traffic..even if i could remain calm through it
didn't mean i loved it...times would drag out sometimes that i did have to pee...and nowhere to do that ya know!

Kelly Jeanette Swift said...

I so totally relate, Mar. Glad ya'll enjoyed my post.

Kim Mailhot said...

What a great post ! We need more people like you, present in the moment, even if the traffic slows you down. And really, could slowing down be a bad thing ? I think not ! ;)
Thanks for your visit on my reposted post and for sharing your buried treasure with us !
Cheers !

Kim Palmer said...

Imagine how much more stressed all those commuters would be if they knew how calm you were, LOL. I think you should be offering zen lessons to learner drivers. Loved the post, will be back again!

Debrina said...

I read your repost there and totally agree. Life's too short to make it shorter. We make stress, not the circumstances. So happy that you can enjoy the moment whatever it is. Believe it or not, I taught myself to totally relax at the dentist a few years ago and now when I'm in the seat, no matter what's being done, I almost always nearly fall asleep, lol!
Lovely postings, enjoyed listening to the mockingbird's song. I live in NZ, we don't have them here. More's the pity.

Debrina said...

I read your repost there and totally agree. Life's too short to make it shorter. We make stress, not the circumstances. So happy that you can enjoy the moment whatever it is. Believe it or not, I taught myself to totally relax at the dentist a few years ago and now when I'm in the seat, no matter what's being done, I almost always nearly fall asleep, lol!
Lovely postings, enjoyed listening to the mockingbird's song. I live in NZ, we don't have them here. More's the pity.

Priti Lisa said...

Wasn't it generous of Seth to do this for us! Visiting new blogs of like minded people.
I try not to stress too.
But traffic, fumes, and seeing only one person per car, gives me envirmental anxioty.
Thank you for the kind compliment about Venus, you are right, she is dancing. My daughter was the muse for that painting.
Peace, Lisa

girlgonethreadwild said...

good for you to realize the good things about LIFE and to focus on how those bits of chaos can make you HAPY.. what a fun re-post, I'm happy I stopped by!

Anonymous said...

Life is too short for road rage and such stress...breath deeply...

A tired retired recluse @ said...

Great philosophy! And people watching-I'm for that!

Seth said...

This post is a good reminder of how important attitude is in our lives. How we see our experiences impacts how we feel. Thanks for the repost and for joining in the fun!

ArtPropelled said...

You've got the right attitude, Kelly. Pity more people aren't like you.

Margaret said...

Very 'chilled' post! Sometimes it's worth taking a moment to look at the bigger picture, it can make a huge difference to our attitude, well said! M

Evangeline said...

Great reminder to just enjoy the moment, even in traffic...

3rdEyeMuse said...

would you believe that I am still making my way through last weeks posts? loved what you said ... like you, driving (traffic) doesn't realy bother me (in fact, I can often be found singing WAY overly expressively ... you never know ... the person that catches you in the act just might get a grin out of it)

Kelly Jeanette Swift said...

Thanks for the comment, 3rdEyeMuse. I hope no one hears me sing in the car. I might frighten them into a wreak.