Wednesday, December 8, 2010

A repost from last Christmas

The Ten Steps Of Putting Up A Christmas Tree With A Cat "Helping"

Step 1-pull all branches out of box. Pull cat out of box.

Step 2-put tree together. Pull cat out of tree.

Step 3-Unravel lights. Pull lights out of reach of cat. Pull cat out of tree.

Step 4-begin stringing lights on tree. Step over cat several times before stepping on cat. Put down lights to go makeup to cat.

Step 5-Finish lights while cat is pouting.

Step 6-repeat step 4 with berry string and garland.

Step 7-Unpack ornaments. Pull cat out of box. Begin placing ornaments on tree.

Step 8-Search for bulbs. Find them under couch where cat is playing with them. Retrieve bulbs. Cat is miffed and bites your ankle.

Step 9-Put cat in Bathroom.

Step 10-Turn on LOUD Holiday music to drown out angry cat yowls and finish tree


Victoria said...

So cute...hilarious...thanks for the kitty giggles!

CMZ Art/ Rustic Goth said...

This was so funny. I don't have pets but most of my kids I hear the stories they tell. This reminded me of some of those stories:)