Tuesday, January 1, 2019

New Year's Day 2019

So, it is now a new year and a time for new beginnings. I don't usually make resolutions because I break them before January is over. But I do have a list of things I want to do in 2019.

1-Pray more
2-read my Bible and study it more
3-paint more (I, for some reason, did not do enough of this which I love in 2018.)
4-eat healthier (with God's help)
and #5- I will thank God for something every night that happened during my day small and simple or large and awesome.

It is now 8:30 pm and I wish to end the day thanking God for nudging me to buy light bulbs when I would not of thought of it the other day. Because my bathroom light went out and I would not of had another to replace it without stealing from another room.

Also thank you, Lord, for getting me back into church and drawing closer to You after years of apathy after my mom's loss and through another year to see this one. Amen.

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