Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Night of the SPIDER

I was minding my own business when Niko began to bother me, meowing loudly and insistently. Then he would run down the hall to the bedroom and continue meowing, then come back to me to repeat this behavior. Being a good kitty mommy I had to go see what had him in such a state. In the bedroom, on the wall, was the Bane of Niko’s Existence.
What I am speaking of is a little black and furry eight legged multi-eyed demon. AKA a house spider. (yes, my cat is arachnophobic. He hates spiders. Barney just eats them. I know-ehww!) So I killed the bugger to satisfy Niko’s need for arachnid blood. I don’t like them either.
Back in the mid-eighties My parents were living in Florida near Tampa and they wanted me to move down there to be near them. I thought it would be cool, so I went for a visit with the thought to start apartment hunting. Everything was going hunky dory until my last night ever in Florida. I had awaken in the middle of the night with the thought that I was not alone in the guest room anymore. I turned on the bedside lamp and about that time a very large, very black, very eight-legged freak ran across my body. Talk about an EEK! Factor. I think my scream woke up the whole neighborhood. According to the nice, but stern, public servants that answered the calls of a woman screaming I did.
No one told me there were tarantulas in the Sunshine State. Needless to say, despite all me mom’s begging, I left the next day back to North Carolina where the spiders are not big enough to drag a little five foot woman away.


Quill and Greyson said...

I don't kill spiders either... Hey thanks for following me!

Anonymous said...

It seems we have something in common - I don't like spiders either.

Kim Palmer said...

I'm sorry Kell, can't stop giggling. Sadly this reminds me of a similar incident. On first moving here to the subtropics from a reasonably cool climate area, I one night turned on the bedroom light to discover an enormous flying, something in the bedroom approx 6cm in length. I whooped it up loud and of course all came running to see what it was. I was then indignantly informed it was a cockroach. A what??? My definition of a cockroach- tiny wee brown/black bug that lives out in the woodpile and crawls away at the first sign of woman with big stick! No here they are large flying insect resembling mutant squirrel with no fear of humans!!!
Necessary bug squishing ensued here too, LOL!

Kelly Jeanette Swift said...

Eww! These must be mutant bugs, Kim. Just the thought of a flying cockroach that big gives me the shivers.