Saturday, September 12, 2009

Saturday Morning

It's so quiet this morning. It's foggy, so what sounds there are are muffled. No dogs barking, so planes at the nearby airport, no motor boats on the lake. Even the crows are silent. The only sound I hear is crikets and my coffee pot brewing. I think I will take my coffee and go sit on the deck and watch the fog lift.


Quill and Greyson said...

Sounds nice. I love fog, I love how it only lets you see what's right in front of you.


Priti Lisa said...

Hi Kelly, sorry I've been lax about blog land, but I'll get it together tomorrow.
I'm looking foward to seeing your new art. Art is always a treat!
xox, Lisa

Seth said...

These few words totally set the scene. And it sounds like a great place/space to be!

Kim Palmer said...

You know Kel, I'm an absolute fan of fog for some reason. I love the close isolated feling you get from fog, the muffling of sound, the damp air. The potential of what weather is coming behind it. I used to get so excited as a child watching the mist build up from the ground or waking to fogged in mornings, the air thick like soup. Ah, those were the days. Thanks for bringing the memories back. Now I live in the subtropics that sort of weather is unheard of here.