Thursday, January 1, 2009

A New Calendar

The best part of January 1st is discarding the old calendar with it’s year of joys and pains over and hanging the new one with all it’s hopes for a better year. I always feel a lifting of my spirits as I do that. It is like a new beginning for all things in my life.

According to my new calendar which features the poems of Rumi and the artwork of illustrator Matt Manley, January’s stone is the garnet and it’s flower is the carnation, both deep red-the color of movement and passion. So it is fitting that January is also the International Month of Creativity and the National Celebration of Life Month. Life and creativity go hand in hand. It is the act of creativity to make life and the acting out of life to create. In the cold days of winter ahead people will be stuck indoors, creating-either with paintbrush, musical instrument, pen(or laptop), new recipes, or just making babies-people will be creating, rejoicing in the act of life, dreaming of Spring.

Maybe January’s dance should be the Salsa.

So, in honor of the month of January, I’ll will be concentrating my artwork on images of life, home, passion, and new beginnings.

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