Friday, October 7, 2011

NOT so funny moment of terror

As I walked through the living room with hands full of shopping bags I felt something on my arm. I turned my arm over in time to see a large black eight legged freak run down my arm. Bags went flying as I began my EK! dance, swiping at it to get it off, then throwing my shoes at Cory while shrieking KILL IT! KILL IT!
Cory rolled his eyes and commenced to pound the life out of the Eight Legged Freak.
Barney just watched the whole scene with a look in his eyes as if he were thinking being a homeless cat may not be so bad.
I think I shuddered for at least an hour afterwards and refused to leave my room until Cory vacuumed up the remains.
Have I ever mentioned how much I hate spiders.


Priti Lisa said...

Me too. Except for the daddy-long-legs that lives by the sink. He's a keeper...just in case we get ants. Spider bites are the worst!

Michele Lynch Art said...

OMG I would have freaked too! I hate spiders also! The worst feeling is when you walk through one of those thin webs you can see and then you are trying to get all the web off of you and you begin to imagine that the spider that was on the web is now in your hair! Ewww!! Have missed seeing you! xo Michele